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Healthy and Affordable Food Choices for Students and Staff
Home/Healthy and Affordable Food Choices for Students and Staff


Mission Cafeterias

Iqra University makes sure that the areas where its employees and students eat have a conducive environment. The university’s campus is home to three significant cafeterias. These cafeterias offer refreshments and food to students, overnight guests, professors, and administrative employees, in that order. In order to accommodate a large number of students, the cafeterias are exceptionally roomy and offer cosy seating arrangements. The cafeterias’ overall ambiance is so restful and delicious that it tempts you to visit them repeatedly. One of the three main cafeterias includes a separate hall for staff and faculty personnel that is adjacent to the Main Hall.

 Variety of Food Items

There are food counters in the cafeteria offering a wide selection of foods!  The cafeteria uses a well-organized “coupon” system in which a coupon is purchased at the main counter and utilised to obtain the chosen food item.

Price and Quality Control

The Food Committee sets the cost of the food products, which are well within the reach of the students. The university’s doctor and the Food Committee frequently check the food’s quality.

 Relief on Food Prices

The university ensures that its deserving students and staff maintain good mental and physical health by offering them nourishment. This is achieved through a coupon system that provides special discounts and even free food. By utilizing these coupons, individuals can access meals at significantly reduced prices or completely free of charge

 Emphasis on Cleanliness and Hygiene

The cooking and cleaning teams, the doctor, the food committee, and frequent inspections of all the cafeterias ensure proper cleanliness and hygienic conditions.  The cafeterias provide high-quality, nutritious meals with a healthy twist, keeping in mind the value of a balanced diet. Some healthful alternatives are green veggie spaghetti, cucumber sandwiches, fresh fruit juice, and salad. The university offers samosas, bread and curries, colas, chips, milkshakes, cold-coffee, ice-cream, chocolates, patties, etc. for people who want enticing meals. The university cafeterias are nice enough for students to forgo shopping at stores off campus.

The Food Committee

IU has a dedicated Food Committee which is to control the quality and prices of the food items provided at the university cafeterias. The committee members are:

  • Dr. Arshad Aziz (Chairman)
  • Dr. Muhammad Zaki Rashidi
  • Dr. Syed Hasan Adil
  • Dr. Anjum Bano Kazmi

The Terms of References (TORs) of the committee are as under:

  1. Provision and accessibility of fresh healthy food to students and staff.
  2. Inspection of food quality.
  3. Provision of free/subsidised food for deserving student/staff.
  4. Ensuring that food is procured from ethical sources.
  5. Limiting food waste.
  6. Making food affordable for all by setting up the price lists of food items.
  7. Ensuring that vegan food is also available at the cafeterias/pantries.

Complaints and Suggestions are Welcome

Iqra University emphasises that improvement is a never-ending process. Students and staff are always welcome to make complaints or recommendations for service improvement. Students/staff can file a complaint about this by following the instructions on this website (I want to lodge a Complain)

Where to eat on Campus

  1.     My Café (Click Here)
  2.     Bistro Café (Click Here)
  3.     Rooftop Café (Click Here)
  4.     Café Syed (Click Here)

 Cafeteria Hours

Monday-Thursday, & Saturday:-  9:00 AM to 9:00 PM

Friday & Sunday:- Closed