Sustainable Development Goals

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Goal 7
Affordable and Clean Energy

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for everyone.

Committed to the United Nations’s Sustainable Development Goal, Iqra University is making its mark by embedding SDGs within our governance, teaching, community initiatives, research and partnerships. Following programmes and events are led by IU Faculty, Staff and Students in the area of Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy

Sustainable University of Sindh by UI Green Metric
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Solar Power Projects Implemented
Reduction in Energy Consumption
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Electronic Appliances are replaced with Energy Efficient Alternatives
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Reduction in Carbon Emission from On-Campus Vehicles
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Top 10 in Pakistan by UI GreenMetric as the most Sustainable University

Iqra University is ranked No. 1 in Sindh & Top 10 in Pakistan by “UI GreenMetric World University Ranking” initiated by “Universitas Indonesia” in 2010 ranks universities globally for their environmental commitment, efforts & initiatives towards creating a Sustainable Campus. The ranking for a green campus depends on 39 indicators divided into six criteria; Setting & infrastructure, Energy & Climate Change, Waste, Water, Education and Research, and Transportation.
Having achieved another landmark as one of the leading Universities in Pakistan, we are consistently striving to become an utterly Sustainable University by following International Green Standards and providing an Eco-Friendly Educational Environment.

Striving to become a Sustainable University by 2030

With the support of our esteemed faculty and senior management, the University is working towards building a sustainable campus focused on both environmental and social aspects. The plan will chart our path towards reaching the university’s commitment to becoming sustainable before 2030. Under this initiative, we have already installed Solar Panels, Energy-Efficient Air-Conditioning Systems, Green Star Appliances and other energy efficient electricals in new and buildings more than 10 years old.

Renewable Energy for Sustainable Future

Iqra University is making significant investments in alternative energy sources especially in solar energy in an effort to reduce pollution and to overcome load shedding in its vicinity. Electricity produced from renewable energy sources emits between 90% and 99% fewer greenhouse gases (GHGs) and produces 70% to 90% fewer pollutants when compared to fossil fuel power plants. As a result, IU has installed solar panels on its campuses, and other energy sources are also being considered.

Hybrid Work Policy for Employees Happiness & Energy Saving

A survey by mental health research website “Tracking Happiness” found that remote workers reported a happiness level roughly 20% higher than those who worked in the office 100% of the time. Keeping this in mind and our larger vision towards sustainability, we have announced a Work from Home Day in a week for all our employees across all campuses. The initiative doesn’t only impacted on our employees health & wellbeing but also significant reduction in our weekly energy consumption.

Alternative Commute options to Reduce Carbon Emission

Iqra University is Pakistan’s largest private sector University, with  a community of more than 20,000 students and 1000+ staff & faculty members across the campuses; majority of them travel via their own conveyance. Realising our role in building cleaners and breathable cities which are Karachi and Islamabad (where our campus is located), we have introduced Transportation & Shuttle service and Ticketed Parking at campus vicinity. Through these initiatives, hundreds of IU people received economical transportation & we have reduced more than 30% of vehicles in its vicinity.

  • All Posts
  • Event
  • Goal 10 : Reduce Inequality
  • News
  • SDG1: No poverty
  • SDG11: Sustainable Cities & Communities
  • SDG13: Climate Action
  • SDG14: Life below Water
  • SDG15: Life on land
  • SDG16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
  • SDG17: Partnerships for the goals
  • SDG2: Zero hunger
  • SDG3: Good health and well-being
  • SDG4: Quality Education
  • SDG5:Gender Equality
  • SDG8: Decent Work & Economic Growth
  • Uncategorized
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