Sustainable Development Goals

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Goal 16
Quality Education

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for everyone.

Committed to the United Nations’s Sustainable Development Goal, Iqra University is making its mark by embedding SDGs within our governance, teaching, community initiatives, research and partnerships. Following programmes and events are led by IU Faculty, Staff and Students in the area of Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institution.

Our Student Societies for Peace-building and Sustainable Development

Students are crucial pillars for the development and prosperity of a society. Along with the primary responsibility of a student to acquire knowledge and wisdom, he/she also bears the responsibility to perform their duties as responsible citizens of the country and play their part in building thriving communities. Forming and/or being a part of students’ societies is an asset of a student life journey to showcase their talents and gain valuable experiences and learnings. As discussed earlier in the former sections, Students’ Societies are integral for achieving our objectives towards sustainable development. At Iqra University, various student societies and clubs have been formed which are dedicatedly working towards sustainability and corporate social responsibility. Following are some of the societies and clubs:

Community Initiative for JUSTICE for ALL

Iqra University has gathered its students, staff and the faculty members for a peaceful rally to demonstrate their unity and will to stand by the rights of the people of Occupied Kashmir. The rally was in response to the constant violation of human rights in Occupied Kashmir, where people have no access to basic rights of safe housing, clean drinking water, education, free mobility, internet and most worst of all, the recent longest running security lockdown that ended in 2021. The rally was followed by the discussion sessions with subject matter experts to understand the issue in depth and how the younger generation of both countries can drive a diplomatic solution.

  • All Posts
  • Event
  • Goal 10 : Reduce Inequality
  • News
  • SDG1: No poverty
  • SDG11: Sustainable Cities & Communities
  • SDG13: Climate Action
  • SDG14: Life below Water
  • SDG15: Life on land
  • SDG16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
  • SDG17: Partnerships for the goals
  • SDG2: Zero hunger
  • SDG3: Good health and well-being
  • SDG4: Quality Education
  • SDG5:Gender Equality
  • SDG8: Decent Work & Economic Growth
  • Uncategorized
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