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Home/Diversity, Equity, Accessibility & Inclusion Committee


In order to support our faculty, staff, students, and IU community as a whole in their teaching, learning, and research pursuits, Iqra University and its DEIA committee are dedicated to initiatives that promote diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility, and social justice. We are aware of our duty to promote an inclusive community where everyone is treated with respect and welcome. We pledge to actively involve our faculty, staff, and students in initiatives to foster inclusive and diverse spaces, dialogues, policies, and procedures in our campuses. We tend to engage the IU community as a whole as we advance knowledge and understanding of problems pertaining to diversity, fairness, inclusion, and accessibility as we work to build a better future.

The Diversity, Equity, Accessibility and Inclusion Committee (DEIA) is a responsible to oversee the University’s compliance with its equality and diversity obligations, set out within the; IU Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Policy, IU Accessibility Policy and IU Anti-Discrimination, Anti-Bullying & Harassment Policy.

DEIA Committee Members

The DEIA Committee is led by a dedicated committee of senior management and student body:

  • Mr. Aseem Majid Rizvi (Chairperson)
  • Dr. Ume Sumayya (Coordinator)
  • Dr. Irfan Anis (Coordinator)
  • Dr. Salima Tejani (Psychologist)
  • Urshila Wasi (Student Body)

For questions, contact our DEIA Committee directly

 Responsibilities of DEIA Committee

  • Assess and Monitor DEAI Efforts: Regularly assess the current state of diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion across the university, identifying areas that require improvement and monitoring progress on existing initiatives.
  • Develop and Recommend Policies: Collaborate with relevant university bodies to develop and recommend policies that promote diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion. These policies may pertain to recruitment, retention, promotion, campus culture, curriculum, and resources allocation.
  • Training and Education: Design and implement training programs for faculty, staff, and students that raise awareness of DEAI issues, provide tools for cultural competency, and foster an inclusive learning and working environment.
  • Supportive Resources: Advise on the development of resources and support systems that cater to the needs of underrepresented groups, including students with disabilities, international students, and other marginalised identities.
  • Community Engagement: Encourage and facilitate open dialogue and engagement with the broader university community on DEAI matters. Organise events, workshops, and discussions to create awareness and build a sense of inclusivity.

Data Collection and Analysis: Work with relevant departments to collect and analyse data related to diversity and inclusion metrics. Utilise this data to inform decision-making and measure the effectiveness of DEAI initiatives.

The DEAI Committee shall submit regular reports to the university’s executive leadership, detailing the progress of ongoing initiatives, highlighting areas of concern, and providing recommendations for further improvement. The committee’s recommendations would be given high importance by the university administration.